Friday, 19 April 2013

Green Tea With a Bit Of Sugar

Why am I here? Why did I make yet another blog which I will probably ditch after a few months because I have a habit of quitting things because I DO WHAT I WANT SHEESH but mostly because I lose motivation to "keep on keeping on" which is a phrase which I just, ick.

Anyway, here's to another round of trying to do something constructive with my time (which is ironic because I am here because I have an annoying 2000 word essay due in two days which Ive only done about 600 words and I really dont want to do that). The other reason I am here, is because I was inspired by like minded people.. well actually, more like like-coloured people. Well, I like to think of myself as a writer but I have helluva lot to learn and so I came across a blog by a girl younger than myself, who identifies as a Samoan (although insists she is part German, American Indian etc etc.. hey, my great great great grandmother was a German chick but you dont see me braggin about it haha) and I admire her for putting her work out there. I guess I'm assuming people would be interested in what I have to say (isnt that why we're all here anyway?) but here's to another blog name being used up by yours truly!!

Maybe a little about myself?

  1. I love to read but I am also very easily insulted. A girl from my childhood after not seeing me for almost 5 years asked if I was 'still a bookworm'. For some reason I thought she was insulting me and I looked her in the eye and said "I burned them all". To this day, I do not understand why I said it. *shudders at my younger self*
  2. I lived in Samoa for about 4 years during my intermediate school years but surprisingly hung out with Papua New Guineans and half Samoans... We were the uncool nerdy kids always sharing books and shit. (I added the 'and shit' to make myself sound cool) Another reason why my Samoan speaking suffered a bit.
  3. I am the least musically talented out of my brothers and sister who can all sing and play the guitar and piano. I try though.
  4. People who know me well know I can get pretty angry at times but I don't KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY THINK THEY TALKING ABOUT.
  5. My favourite team in the world is the All Blacks.
  6. The foods I have gone through phases with are hot peas, Kettles Chilli chips, Zambreros Chicken Chikitos, Peanut M&Ms, Whittakers peanut slabs, scorched almonds and pineapple lumps.
  7. I hate reading current affairs and entertainment news almost as much as I hate when only one of my earphones works.
  8. At one of my high schools (I went to 4) I hung out with the stoners... They are the most chilled out and funny people I have ever met...
  9. My first ever crush had a crush on one of my best friends. And his best friend had a crush on me. It's funny how things work out...
  10. My real name translates to Dancing Potato in some form of Japanese.

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