Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Opinions about Opinions

I grew up in a Christian household and although at this time of my life, I really don't know whether I can call myself a Christian... What I do know, is I believe in Jesus and all he lived and died for. I don't know much more than that and although I struggle every damn day to be a good person and not let myself become the Scar in my story, I try, well I know that I should act in love in all that I do.

I hate that I can't be a "Christian" without people giving me shitty looks because of all the other "Christians" that we've heard about, those ones that spread hate and ignorance in the name of "Jesus" and I'm sorry that people feel abused by Christians (and all other self-righteous religious-or-not people) but I will say that one of the reasons I became depressed and angry when I was younger (I guess you could say I was a little more religious back then) was when I realised some of God's rules and how unfair it all was and I just didn't think it was right. I'm still trying to work out my shit with the Big Guy and I always ask, "WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT/DO THAT" But the truth is I will never know until I die and all we really have is speculation and the Bible. I guess this is why faith is such a huge thing for religions..

For me, any argument is invalid, LOVE will always come first for me. I guess this was one of the main reasons I was okay with homosexuality. I think that loving someone (regardless of gender) trumps hating another human being any day. With all the hate, bullying and shit that happens today, can't we just be happy that 2 people can find love in this life?? It's hard for me because my parents don't like it at all... After all, they grew up back in the day but I still love them even though their rants get on my nerves all the time.

Maybe this doesnt make me a Christian at all. I remember when I came across some verses in the bible about how immoral homosexuality was and all I felt was a huge sinking feeling in my stomach... I just don't understand anymore. I just know that I really do believe in Jesus even though it doesnt make any sense. Jesus loved those who were hated, he helped those who needed help. I guess that's all I want and believe I should do.

I wish people would stop throwing 'homophobe' around as well. I know it's 2013 and we should all stop being so conservative in our way of thinking, but hating on someone because they have different ideals to you is just a waste of time. I'm not making excuses for other people, but some were grown up with different values, I hate how some people think it's okay to shove their views down peoples' throats and calling them all sorts of names. Apparently if you have an opinion different to someone else, you should just 'kill yourself'. People claim we should embrace change but they cannot accept that people will have different views. You can't fight ignorance with ignorance. If you disagree with someone and you retaliate by belittling them and swearing, then your argument is invalid.


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