Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Bibliophile sounds kind of disgusting

Hey folks... feels like it's been a while but I've kinda been on an emotional rollercoaster for the last two weeks and right now I'm at the top cause I'm feeling happy, free and like I could conquer the world. Except I'm just sitting at my desk, back starting to hunch and smiling like an idiot.

So we all have that endless list of books we have to read, right? During my "holiday" (aka I failed a paper so I had 6 months off just working and chilling... IT WAS AWESOME) last year I got into the habit of buying books (I had to stop cause helloooo! tuition fees) because books are swweeeeeet... think of summer holidays, nestling on the green green grass with a light breeze and the oddly beautiful sounds of ducks quacking in a pond nearby reading an awesome (or maybe not so) book... or winter, curled up in a nice warm blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and cookies baked fresh off the oven, with a book in your hand... aaaahh *stares into the distance with a look of nostalgic ecstasy*


Aannnd we're back. So I thought I'd share my favourite books on my shelf with you... I would like to buy others I've enjoyed that I read but maybe one day when my bank account doesn't look like a joke and if I ever finish this degree I might.. *clears throat* I mean, when I finish this degree o_o

So these are the books I bought and the ones I 80-100% LOVE LOVE LOVE...

(I really need the Harry Potter series, more Agatha Christie books, Shit My Dad Says and Book of a 1000 days)
These next books are the ones I started reading and haven't yet finished PLUS the ones on my shelf I haven't started reading but really want to read one of these days....

(Add in Graceling, Song of the Lioness series, The Name of the Wind, any of Rick Riordan series, Warmbodies, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy... This list is just never gonna fucking end is it?)

These are the "WHY THE HELL DID I BUY THESE BOOKS... WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY... WHY WHY WHY?" books I own.. *throws them out the window* *goes back out to get them cause I could probably give them to the old book stores for someone else to appreciate more than me*

So after the waste-of-money-books I decided to just download books to read and if I liked them I would buy them. So I really want to own my own little library one day... If one day I do, then I will consider my life lived. Have you seen those antiquish looking libraries??!! Just google search 'library porn' *faints from bookgasm* haahaa

And then we come to the imaginary shelf of books I enjoyed but would never buy the books for because of reasons
  • J.R Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series
  • The 13th book in the Series of Unfortunate Events books... We never speak of that one
  • The Game of Thrones series (actually my brother owns these and he's moved away but left them...hmmmmmmmmm)

P.S I never understood it when you go to people's homes and they say "Excuse the mess" and there's no mess??? Jeez why do you lie for? When I say that I literally mean it because my house is ALWAYS a damn mess like things on the floor, dishes from two days ago... Anyways, excuse the mess behind the books :)



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