Sunday, 28 April 2013

Chirp Chirp Muhfudger

Okay, I can't think of anything to write so have one of my old poems... *runs away*

I hate this feeling
I want you to validate me
I want to be the only one who makes you smile
When I see you with other girls,
Im like a beast in a cage too small
I dont even know if I really like you.
Like, seriously?
Is it just the idea of being with you?
That makes my heart flutter,
my face grow warm and flushed?
That makes my hands sweaty and clammy?
When you walk into the room
my eyes dart and try to avoid you
in case it becomes too obvious
that all I want to do is touch you
and talk to you.
Give you a piece of my mind
and learn about yours
your quirks, your fears and dreams
I keep reminding myself that I dont feel anything
It's just the climate
The change in temperature
The stress Im under
the dishes not being done..
anything to stop me from falling for you.


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Opinions about Opinions

I grew up in a Christian household and although at this time of my life, I really don't know whether I can call myself a Christian... What I do know, is I believe in Jesus and all he lived and died for. I don't know much more than that and although I struggle every damn day to be a good person and not let myself become the Scar in my story, I try, well I know that I should act in love in all that I do.

I hate that I can't be a "Christian" without people giving me shitty looks because of all the other "Christians" that we've heard about, those ones that spread hate and ignorance in the name of "Jesus" and I'm sorry that people feel abused by Christians (and all other self-righteous religious-or-not people) but I will say that one of the reasons I became depressed and angry when I was younger (I guess you could say I was a little more religious back then) was when I realised some of God's rules and how unfair it all was and I just didn't think it was right. I'm still trying to work out my shit with the Big Guy and I always ask, "WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT/DO THAT" But the truth is I will never know until I die and all we really have is speculation and the Bible. I guess this is why faith is such a huge thing for religions..

For me, any argument is invalid, LOVE will always come first for me. I guess this was one of the main reasons I was okay with homosexuality. I think that loving someone (regardless of gender) trumps hating another human being any day. With all the hate, bullying and shit that happens today, can't we just be happy that 2 people can find love in this life?? It's hard for me because my parents don't like it at all... After all, they grew up back in the day but I still love them even though their rants get on my nerves all the time.

Maybe this doesnt make me a Christian at all. I remember when I came across some verses in the bible about how immoral homosexuality was and all I felt was a huge sinking feeling in my stomach... I just don't understand anymore. I just know that I really do believe in Jesus even though it doesnt make any sense. Jesus loved those who were hated, he helped those who needed help. I guess that's all I want and believe I should do.

I wish people would stop throwing 'homophobe' around as well. I know it's 2013 and we should all stop being so conservative in our way of thinking, but hating on someone because they have different ideals to you is just a waste of time. I'm not making excuses for other people, but some were grown up with different values, I hate how some people think it's okay to shove their views down peoples' throats and calling them all sorts of names. Apparently if you have an opinion different to someone else, you should just 'kill yourself'. People claim we should embrace change but they cannot accept that people will have different views. You can't fight ignorance with ignorance. If you disagree with someone and you retaliate by belittling them and swearing, then your argument is invalid.


Monday, 22 April 2013

A Tendency For Bad Romances

You should know, I have never read or watched the Twilight books. Yes, I am one of those judgy assholes who hate on things because people I admire also hate those things. Sometimes, however, you should know that I have my own opinions. Well actually, I watched either the 3rd or 4th movie because I was going in for free but that's it. I actually quite enjoyed it. I started reading Twilight 2 months ago but only got up to the part after sparkly dude saved emotionless chick from being crushed by the truck... Also I knew I wouldn't keep reading after the scene in the biology class when he acts real douchey with her (a scene which I have also watched from that movie and ASDFGHJKWER HOW DAMN AWKWARD WAS THAT?! AMIRIGHT?!... I stopped reading because I couldn't bring myself to trudge on. Hey, at least I tried aye? Aaanyways, my point being, there's a trend with all these books and movies 'promoting' unhealthy relationships like where the guy/girl treats the other like shit (usually reason being because they looove them and are doing it to 'protect' them) which makes the other half want them even more... And I have to admit, even I thought that was a little alluring. Of course, angry sex scenes are the best (Did I just say that?) And don't even get me started on some huuuuge Tumblr ships... Apparently treating someone like shit garbage for 5 years (or whatever) means you are totally in love with them (Merthur anyone?)... But then again, the world sucks and now I'm thinking of Love The Way You Lie lyrics...

*stares into the distance for a few minutes*

So the point of all this, sorry, my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations, was that I came across a poem I wrote eons ago when I had a crush on this dude and when I read it I was like *nervously laughing* umm, okaaay then... I sound like a crazy, stalkerish, psychotic bitch, geez I have my dark moments sometimes...
Anyways, here it is for your laughing pleasure...

*FYI Oh and fuck those unhealthy relationships. You should be with someone who loves you (and treats you like they love you) and you love back... Damn it , you crazy girls, learn to love yourself, you deserve the best!!

My Unhealthy Poem About My Crush...
You make me feel like a raw emotion
I am hatred and love
twisted and torn into a rope
I would wear you like a fucking crown
proudly, painfully
so beautiful, yet so weighty
Never have i felt this way before
I can't even begin to describe how you really make me feel
I feel like shit
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world
I hate you then i love you
I love you then i hate you
I want to kill you in your sleep 
I want to cater to your every need
Make you feel like the luckiest guy in the world
Treat you like the asshole you are
I can't even remember falling for you
What is life?
Just kill me already
I don't wanna live life without you
But I'd rather live in a world without you
You are a paradox
My paradox

**Hmm that was very choppy... Like I said previously, I am very obsessive passionate about things... *running away now* Also, I do not approve of this piece of work... *running away for real now*

Friday, 19 April 2013

I just want a story about me. Is that too much to ask for?

So Tumblr has influenced me a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. Especially when it comes to racism and feminism.Yes, I can hear the collective sighs of the audience and the rolling of eyes of the crowd. RACIST! SEXIST!

I'm kidding, or am I? Sigh.

Anyways, there is so much I would like to write about what it is to be a "woman of colour" yadayadayada and I applaud you, my fellow brother and sister, for your fight against racism and I feel your pain. I guess I have had it lucky compared to a lot of brown people who get slapped with the racial slurs and hate that comes with being what we are but my feelings don't represent that population. I have of course had the odd racial slur and one of my friends have actually said to me that she "doesn't see me as a brown person, but as a white person" which I wasn't sure was a compliment or an insult (although, I'm leaning towards insult... Can a brown person not be a smart and hardworking individual without being referred to as white? Fuck you, now I'm slightly annoyed; Now I'm starting to feel like you dont respect me as a person, because I am brown and I am smart and I do work hard... excuse my tooting). And I have had to endure unfair circumstances that may have been because I am brown but I don't want to go into that.

Now I'm gonna do a rough left turn and talk about books. You want to know what really influenced me to start writing? It was the lack of brown (female) protagonists. I want to read a book about someone like me. See, even when I've read books with African characters I still really can't relate to them. I want to read about a strong, polynesian chick who doesn't even necessarily have to be a bad ass warrior with tribal tattoos (which was what my protagonist was like in my first few stories haha I will see myself out after this I promise) she can just be a normal chick who just happens to have all this cultural background... Or some brown protagonist in a fantasy novel about, I dont know, vampires or some shit. And even if it was cliche, I might even read it. And dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the books out today... My eyes have just been opened to the fact that these protagonist's like Katniss and Hermione and Bella even, are all women who girls can look up to, white women. One of my favourite books in the world is Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier (BOOM! Product Placement)... But I want, no I need to see more brown skinned folks in books. I know there is a book called Telesa going around but I dont have green eyes, yes I got a mean as bush for hair but that's it... Plus, I'm really not into the whole Teen Paranormal so I couldnt motivate myself after the first few chapters (Sorry Wendt, but I congratulate you on your success).

Well, my thought processing for the day is almost at its end and I really have to get a move on this assignment.. And maybe one day I will finish one of these damn stories I've written and contribute to the lack of brown protagonists... MAYBE

Anyway, if you know of any books with some brown characters in it I would love to hear from you.

Until next time,


Dear Mr Good-For-Nothing

I haven't the strength to fight him, nor the patience
He comes to me when I call
When I need him the most, he is by my side
When I need him the least, he holds my hand and guides me
My most intimate lover
My most villainous friend
My treacherous enemy
My good deeds are unheard of
My worst is never seen
For he takes my breath away at my earliest convenience
He leaves me anxious and happy
Wallowing in my sweat and self-pity
My god, will he ever leave??

Titled: Procrastination

Green Tea With a Bit Of Sugar

Why am I here? Why did I make yet another blog which I will probably ditch after a few months because I have a habit of quitting things because I DO WHAT I WANT SHEESH but mostly because I lose motivation to "keep on keeping on" which is a phrase which I just, ick.

Anyway, here's to another round of trying to do something constructive with my time (which is ironic because I am here because I have an annoying 2000 word essay due in two days which Ive only done about 600 words and I really dont want to do that). The other reason I am here, is because I was inspired by like minded people.. well actually, more like like-coloured people. Well, I like to think of myself as a writer but I have helluva lot to learn and so I came across a blog by a girl younger than myself, who identifies as a Samoan (although insists she is part German, American Indian etc etc.. hey, my great great great grandmother was a German chick but you dont see me braggin about it haha) and I admire her for putting her work out there. I guess I'm assuming people would be interested in what I have to say (isnt that why we're all here anyway?) but here's to another blog name being used up by yours truly!!

Maybe a little about myself?

  1. I love to read but I am also very easily insulted. A girl from my childhood after not seeing me for almost 5 years asked if I was 'still a bookworm'. For some reason I thought she was insulting me and I looked her in the eye and said "I burned them all". To this day, I do not understand why I said it. *shudders at my younger self*
  2. I lived in Samoa for about 4 years during my intermediate school years but surprisingly hung out with Papua New Guineans and half Samoans... We were the uncool nerdy kids always sharing books and shit. (I added the 'and shit' to make myself sound cool) Another reason why my Samoan speaking suffered a bit.
  3. I am the least musically talented out of my brothers and sister who can all sing and play the guitar and piano. I try though.
  4. People who know me well know I can get pretty angry at times but I don't KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY THINK THEY TALKING ABOUT.
  5. My favourite team in the world is the All Blacks.
  6. The foods I have gone through phases with are hot peas, Kettles Chilli chips, Zambreros Chicken Chikitos, Peanut M&Ms, Whittakers peanut slabs, scorched almonds and pineapple lumps.
  7. I hate reading current affairs and entertainment news almost as much as I hate when only one of my earphones works.
  8. At one of my high schools (I went to 4) I hung out with the stoners... They are the most chilled out and funny people I have ever met...
  9. My first ever crush had a crush on one of my best friends. And his best friend had a crush on me. It's funny how things work out...
  10. My real name translates to Dancing Potato in some form of Japanese.